Frequently Asked Question

How do I migrate from an Old stack environment to a New stack environment
Last Updated 5 years ago

To start the migration process we require your assistance. Please read the instructions in its entirety before proceeding and allow yourself enough time to complete them.

High level overview: you will need to create “blank” instances and volumes in the new cluster for each volume and instance that you want to migrate, and then provide us with the UUIDs of each instance and volume in the old cluster, and the corresponding UUID in the new cluster; we will then migrate your data and let you know when the process is complete. The ID's that Horizon refers to are also known as UUID's.


1. Please ensure that your project has enough resources in new kaizen. If not, please fill out the quota change form to get more resources. Go to and select "Quota Change" under "Help Topic".

Specific steps necessary to gather information to put in a ticket you open at :

1. Go to the old openstack environment (kaizenold) at

2. Gather the Instance UUIDs and Volume UUIDs of only the instances and volumes that you need to migrate to the new environment.

To get the Instance UUID in Horizon, go to Project / Compute / Instances / ; the instance UUID is the line labeled “ID”, just below “Name” and “Description”.

For volumes, go to Project / Volumes / Volumes; your volumes may be listed by UUID or by name; if by name, click through and “ID” is the second line of information.

For example, if you have 2 instances and 2 volumes.
"Name of Instance 1": "UUID of Instance 1 in the old environment"
"Name of Instance 2": "UUID of Instance 2 in the old environment"
"Name of Volume 1": "UUID of Volume 1 in the old environment"
"Name of Volume 2": "UUID of Volume 2 in the old environment”
3. Next, logon to the new openstack environment (kaizen) at

4. Create networks, security groups, and launch only the instances and volume you want migrated here.
  1. You only have to create these resources, and not worry about installing anything on them. Keep the instances powered off.
  2. The networks and security groups don't have to exactly match. You only need the networks and security groups for creating your new instances (and accessing them once we complete the migration).
  3. You can choose any source image when creating the instance (provided the flavor can launch it).
  4. These will serve as blank targets for us to copy the data from the old environment.
  5. Make sure the size of the new volumes/Instances ephemeral storage are the same.
  6. Make sure volume BOOTABLE flag checkbox matches in old and new environments.
  7. A common mistake proved to be forgetting to attach all volumes to new VMs causing them to fail to boot. PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK new VM attachments are correct before creating unnecessary tickets.
  8. Please pick an instance flavor that's close to the flavor in old kaizen.
  9. If the size of the root disk does not match any flavor in new kaizen, then please launch your instance from a volume.
  10. When launching volumes please stick to the default volume type unless your workload strictly requires performance volumes.
5. Gather the Instance IDs and volume IDs in the new environment.
"Name of Instance 1": "New UUID of Instance 1 in new environment"
"Name of Instance 2": "New UUID of Instance 2 in new environment"
"Name of Volume 1": "New UUID of Volume 1 in new environment"
"Name of Volume 2": "New UUID of Volume 2 in new environment"
6. Finally, share with us the old uuids and the new uuids and power off the instances in the old environment - the best way to share this info is to open a ticket at

"UUID of Instance 1 in the old environment": "New UUID of Instance 1 in new environment"
"UUID of Instance 2 in the old environment": "New UUID of Instance 2 in new environment"
"UUID of Volume 1 in the old environment": "New UUID of Volume 1 in new environment"
"UUID of Volume 2 in the old environment": "New UUID of Volume 2 in new environment"
Please clearly label the source and destination UUIDs.

In the backend, we will use this information to move data over from the old environment to the new one.

  1. Your floating IPs will change. Please claim new floating IPs to use.
  2. Always double check the URL to see what environment you are working on.

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